Have you by any chance been exercising and trying different diets but your weight refuses to budge? If so, you should consider trying your hand on TCM slimming treatment techniques. Actually, TCM has long been used to support weight loss by taking a holistic approach and looking at excess weight as a symptom of a greater health problem.
Either way, it is important to understand what causes excess weight from a TCM perspective. Well, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views a healthy circulation of Qi and blood, and smooth functioning of organ systems as vital to health and vitality. Weight gain as due to imbalances in the bodily energy and organ systems. Stress, lack of physical activity or a poor diet are among the common contributing factors to excess wight.
If you’ve done a bit of research, you might already know that there are 3 body types responsible for weight gain. They include spleen weakness and stomach heath, liver Qi stagnation, and kidney Yang Deficiency. Understanding how each of these works is essential in making sure you get the most from TCM slimming techniques.
With TCM slimming, you should never forget about acupuncture. Thanks to this type of treatment, you are sure to enjoy numerous benefits since it is a healing modality that focuses on the whole body, spirit, and mind.
What makes acupuncture treatment worth considering when looking to lose weight is the fact that specialists have to rely on a chosen point in order to create a mental and physical healing effect that is in relation to a person’s constitution.
So, what should you expect with acupuncture? In a nutshell, the session will start with a detailed description and checking of the tongue and pulse. Based on your body type, acupuncture points will be selected on the stomach area, arms and legs and left for 30 minutes. The stimulation helps to boost your metabolism, get rid of fluid retention and bolster your digestive functions that will support weight loss.
There is no reason to panic considering weight loss acupuncture is generally safe and effective for most people. However, this treatment is not suitable for those who have just given both or are having heavy menses.
With TCM for slimming, it is important that you understand what it entails before making the bold decision of using it to your advantage.